Ask Pete: How Do I Prevent Clogged Drains?

Hello, homeowners of Gilbert and Mesa, Arizona! We know that dealing with clogged drains can be a real headache. Blocked sinks, slow drains, and nasty odors are not just unpleasant; they can also be costly to fix. But here’s the good news: most drain clogs are preventable with some simple steps and a little bit of regular maintenance. In this blog, we’ll share practical tips and advice on how to prevent clogged drains and keep your plumbing system running smoothly.

  • Use Drain Screens
    • Prevention starts with keeping debris out of your drains. One of the easiest ways to do this is by installing drain screens or strainers in your sinks, showers, and tubs.
      • How it Helps: Drain screens catch hair, food particles, and other debris before they can enter the drain and cause blockages.
    • Be Mindful of What Goes Down the Drain 
    • Not everything should be washed down the drain. Avoid putting items like cooking grease, coffee grounds, and large food scraps down the sink.
      • How it Helps: Grease and food particles can solidify in your pipes over time, leading to stubborn clogs.
    • Regularly Clean Your Drains 
    • A little maintenance goes a long way. Make it a habit to clean your drains using a mixture of baking soda and vinegar or grinding a slice of citrus peel in the disposal.
      • How it Helps: These natural solutions help break down buildup and keep your drains clear.
  • Flush with Hot Water
    •  After using your sink or disposal, flush it with hot water for a few seconds to help clear away any debris.
      • How it Helps: Hot water helps keep fats and grease from solidifying in your pipes.
  • Don’t Overuse Chemical Drain Cleaners
    • Chemical drain cleaners may provide a quick fix, but they can also damage your pipes and harm the environment.
      • How it Helps: Opting for non-toxic alternatives like baking soda and vinegar prevents erosion and damage. You can consult with your plumber when it’s time to pull out the big guns or call in the pros, but using the alternatives first just makes sense.
  • Watch Out for Tree Roots 
    • If you have trees near your sewer lines, be aware that tree roots can infiltrate pipes, leading to major blockages.
      • How it Helps: Regularly inspect your sewer lines for tree root intrusion, and consider professional root removal if needed.
  • Install a Garbage Disposal
    • A garbage disposal can help break down food scraps, reducing the chance of clogs in your kitchen sink. They are a definite benefit to your kitchen life and there are only a few things you need to know to keep them in top shape.
      • How it Helps: Garbage disposals grind food into small pieces, making it easier to flush down the drain.
  • Educate Your Family
    • Ensure everyone in your household knows what should and shouldn’t go down the drain.
      • How it Helps: Prevention starts with good habits, and educating your family can go a long way in keeping your drains clear. When everyone in your household knows these tips, you can keep things running smoothly.
  • Schedule Professional Inspections
    • Regular inspections by a professional plumber can catch potential issues before they become major clogs. 
      • How it Helps: Professional plumbers have the tools and expertise to identify and address drain problems early.
  • Invest in Drain Maintenance Plans
  • Consider enrolling in a drain maintenance plan offered by your local plumbing service. This peace of mind can be priceless and affordable.
    • How it Helps: These plans typically include regular inspections and preventive measures to keep your drains in top shape.

Preventing clogged drains isn’t just about avoiding the inconvenience and cost of repairs; it’s also about preserving the overall health of your plumbing system. By following these practical tips, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of clogs and keep your plumbing running smoothly. If you ever encounter persistent drain issues or need professional guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out to your local plumbing experts at 480-388-6093. We’re here to help you keep your drains clear and your plumbing system in excellent condition. Let’s make clogged drains a thing of the past in your Gilbert and Mesa home!