Ask Pete: What can I put in my garbage disposal?

We’ve all had that moment where we pause and even panic a little after depositing some item down the drain. Uh oh, can that go down the disposal? We don’t need to worry anymore because Pete has all the answers to “What can I put in my garbage disposal”

Pete reminds us that the purpose of the garbage disposal is to grind down food scraps into tiny bits so that they don’t clog the drain.  Continue reading

Ask Pete: What Is An RO System?

Today’s “Ask Pete” is all about Reverse Osmosis Systems. Let’s check in and see what Pete has to say about this intriguing home system.

Pete, what is an RO System? 

First of all, the RO system stands for Reverse Osmosis System which is a household appliance that filters your household water so you can have purified, ready-to-drink water straight from your tap.  Continue reading

Ask Pete: Why Is My Water Bill So High?

Homeowners like to stay on top of typical home expenses and are very alert to sudden surges in expenses that can hurt our budgets. All of us here in Arizona are aware of the surge in Air Conditioning costs in the summer (unless you are on the year-round plan) but why would your water bill suddenly increase? And what can you do about it? Let’s go to the expert and Ask Pete: Continue reading

Video Blog: How To Turn Off Water To Your House

Among the many things, it feels like you are “just supposed to know” is how to turn off the water to your house. But, if you’re like most of us, you may have no idea, especially if you’ve always lived in apartments or it has been someone else’s domain. In any case, we’ve got the information you need to be one of those “in the know” homeowners. Continue reading

Copper versus PEX Pipes [Video]

Is PEX Pipe Better Than Copper Pipe?

You may have heard lots of hardware-store hype on this topic but the question isn’t whether one type of pipe is better than the other, it’s a question of which is better for a given application. The most common arrangement for most projects is to have PEX piping running in most of the home and copper piping on any outside features. So, when it comes to copper vs PEX pipes, the answer is that PEX is not better than copper, but it is an ideal option for most indoor plumbing. Continue reading