Installing Gas Lines For Your Indoor Fireplace

Winter is coming. Wouldn’t a beautiful indoor fireplace be a great addition to your family room or master bedroom? Imagine the romance, visual warmth, and drama of a fireplace without the mess, hassle, and restrictions you have to put up with when you install a traditional fireplace. You can almost always place a gas fireplace right where you want it and there is virtually no maintenance. The first step is to learn everything you need to know ahead of time about installing gas lines for your indoor fireplace Continue reading

Ask Pete: Why Does My Shower Suddenly Start Dripping?

In this edition of “Ask Pete,” Pete answers your questions about your shower. Specifically, why does it suddenly start dripping out of nowhere; not just that it drips constantly, but when it releases water all of a sudden. Let’s find out what could cause that.

Q: Why does my shower suddenly start dripping?

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Water Heater Maintenance Tips and Tricks

A water heater is key to staying comfortable in your home. It gives you warm and hot water for bathing yourself and washing your clothes. When a hot water heater breaks, it can cause serious flood damage to your home. It’s hard to know when your hot water heater is going to go, but with the right maintenance, you can increase its lifespan by years. Read on to learn some of our top water heater maintenance tips and tricks.  Continue reading

What Dissolves Tree Roots in Sewer Lines?

When you learn that as a homeowner you are responsible for all of your home’s plumbing, including the parts that cross your yard, it’s hard not to worry about all that can go wrong. You have surely heard about how tree roots can get into your sewer lines, so now you need to know two things. How do you handle these problems, and what dissolves tree roots in sewer lines? Continue reading

Ask Pete: What Is An RO System?

Today’s “Ask Pete” is all about Reverse Osmosis Systems. Let’s check in and see what Pete has to say about this intriguing home system.

Pete, what is an RO System? 

First of all, the RO system stands for Reverse Osmosis System which is a household appliance that filters your household water so you can have purified, ready-to-drink water straight from your tap.  Continue reading

Ask Pete: Why Is My Water Bill So High?

Homeowners like to stay on top of typical home expenses and are very alert to sudden surges in expenses that can hurt our budgets. All of us here in Arizona are aware of the surge in Air Conditioning costs in the summer (unless you are on the year-round plan) but why would your water bill suddenly increase? And what can you do about it? Let’s go to the expert and Ask Pete: Continue reading

Video Blog: How To Turn Off Water To Your House

Among the many things, it feels like you are “just supposed to know” is how to turn off the water to your house. But, if you’re like most of us, you may have no idea, especially if you’ve always lived in apartments or it has been someone else’s domain. In any case, we’ve got the information you need to be one of those “in the know” homeowners. Continue reading