Starting an Airbnb is a great way to create a passive income stream to bulk up your savings and prepare for retirement. Airbnb hosts earn an average of $924 every month, making it an excellent option for a side hustle. If you’re looking to throw your hat into the ring, you might start by renovating your home or purchasing a rental property. No matter what you decide, most AirBnbs need some work done before you can put them on the market, especially if you want people to stay at your listing. Many people choose to add rooms or bathrooms, meaning plumbing for an AirBnB remodel is also necessary. Continue reading
Types Of Valves In Plumbing
Valves are an essential part of any home’s plumbing system. They play a critical role in controlling the water that runs throughout your house. Understanding the types of plumbing valves in your home can help you quickly identify plumbing troubles and stay on top of home maintenance. Continue reading
10 Tips On Dealing With Burst Pipe Flooding
Just hearing the words “burst pipe” can send shivers down the spine of any homeowner and then throw in the threat of flooding from that burst pipe and it reaches nightmare status. Never fear, though, because we have the cure. These are the top ten tips on dealing with burst pipe flooding that will help you minimize the potential damage. Continue reading
6 Summer Plumbing Problems
Phoenix’s extreme summer temperatures are here, and they might affect your plumbing system. If you’re wondering whether your home will be affected by any common summer plumbing problems, it’s important to know exactly what they are. Keep reading to learn more. Continue reading
Ask Pete: Should I Turn Off My Water When I Go On Vacation?
So, the question is, “Should I turn off my water when I go on vacation?” It depends! I know you hear that a lot from me, but it’s true. In many cases you won’t need to turn it off and in some cases you will absolutely need to do so. Mostly for those of us in the East Valley of Arizona, the answer is “no” for short trips, but there are some times you may want to, so I’ll clarify that. Continue reading
How Does Reverse Osmosis Work?
Homeowners in the East Valley of Arizona, along with most other regions of the country, are familiar with the problems tap water can have. Everything from bad taste to local contamination alerts can affect how we feel about this vital resource. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) shares some frankly scary information about America’s water including the fact that over eighty percent of household water has carcinogens and that samples from all States contain arsenic, lead, chromium-6, and other dangerous contaminants. Many people have taken matters into their own hands and taken the EWG recommendation to install a reverse osmosis system. So, what is this water-enhancing feature, and how does reverse osmosis work? Continue reading
Shut-off Valve Types and Where to Find Them
Shut-off valves are an important part of your home’s plumbing system. They’re a simple but crucial tool that helps you control your house’s water flow and easily make repairs. If you’ve never heard of them, now is the time to learn about the different shut-off valve types and where to find them. Continue reading
Ask Pete: What is the difference between hard water and soft water?
If you live in Arizona you have probably heard the complaints about our famously hard water and know about the debate about hard water versus soft water. What exactly does all of that mean, and what is the difference between hard water and soft water? Let’s ask Pete! Continue reading
Spring Tips For Outdoor Plumbing
Are you ready to make the most of Arizona’s beautiful spring weather? There are so many ways to create an amazing outdoor oasis right in your own backyard so that every day can start and end with a mini vacation. With our ‘Spring tips for Outdoor Plumbing’ list, you can make sure your space is ready for your brilliant ideas to be implemented. Continue reading
How To Run Plumbing For A Garage Workshop
Converting your garage into a workshop, added living space, or an Airbnb room can improve your home’s resale price while giving you the space you need. To do this, you’ll need to have running water in your garage so that you can install necessities like a utility sink or shower. Not sure how to do that? You’re in luck! Here’s what you need to know about how to run plumbing for a garage workshop or second living space. Continue reading